Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Wednesday 01-02-2013 : Symbols, Slogans and Songs

Besides leaders and ideologies, all Revolutions make use of symbols, slogans and songs to :

  • promote their message
  • encourage their followers
  • intimidate their opponents
  • attract support from people who are not necessarily on either side

Your first task for today is to find at least one symbol, two slogans and one song associated with the revolution which you are researching. For each one of these, you need to 

A) tell me what it is called
B) who created it (symbol, slogan or song)
C) In the case of the songs, list the lyrics 
D) Write one complete sentence for each of the bullet points above detailing what the symbol does to promote those points
E) Do the same for at least one of the slogans
F) List the website(s) where you found this information

Send me all of this information by email with your name(s) in the subject line, along with the phrase "symbols, slogans and songs "

Mr. L

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