Monday, March 25, 2013

Monday March 25: why does it happen?

Greetings children,

You will find as you get older that all too often, people SAY a lot without really THINKING about the words which come out of their mouths. We like to think that here in America, we're somehow "immune" to the effects of propaganda. (I believe that the very fact so many of think that we're not being subjected to it only proves just how all pervasive it is.)

In any event, in this morning's exploration into economic development we will examine some commonly held beliefs. And just to stire the pot, you will have to see at least two sides of the issue


Argue for each side, for and against, not less than three complete sentences to explain each argument. Please give specific examples when making your arguments 

Do rich nations get that way by taking their wealth from poor nations?

Which is more important for economic development: lots of raw materials or people being allowed to make use of them?

Do rich nations stop developing because their people begin to take their wealth for granted?

Can a rich nation use its power to suppress economic development in other nations to protect its own economy, which has also stopped developing?

Can the larger businesses and corporations in a rich nation use their power to suppress smaller businesses which might (someday) pose a threat to them?

Please send your results to me in an email, with your name and the phrase "why does it happen?" in the subject line

Mr. L

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