Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thursday 11-01: you gotta get some culture

(Before we begin  let me remind each of you that starting this assignment in no way means that you do not have to complete and hand in the assignments which came before it. If you haven't done or uploaded an assignment  as the Nike ads say "JUST DO IT"

OK,now for the next step in this process, you will need to apply some of your new found knowledge. Here is what I want you to do:

A) Pick out a culture with which you are familiar -- most likely, the one in which you have grown up

B)  Begin listing some of the more important aspects of that culture... begin with at least seventeen of them  (yeah, I know, another prime number)

C) Write at least two sentences for each aspect; the first sentence is for an explanation of what this thing is, and the second is for how it is significant for this culture of which you speak

D) Divide up these aspects according to different cultural categories: 
etc etc

E) Either set up this as a file named after yourself plus the phrase "culture 17" and upload it to,


F)  send it to me by email with name and the phrase "culture 17" in the subject line, with the information in the main body of the email

Mr. L

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