Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thursday 11-14: speakin' the lingo

Greetings, fellow Earth dwellers!

Today, as part of your ongoing drive to explore your chosen culture -- and share it with the rest of us -- you will need to tell me how a person would "speak" your culture's language. Every culture has its own set of what I like to refer as "keywords", terms important enough that they help define the culture itself. 

For example, in nerd culture, "n00bs" are people clueless about technology, "treeware" means stuff that's written on paper, while "TLDR" means too long, didn't read (usually applied to useless piles of treeware) and so on

Alternatively, in survivalist culture, "TEOTWAWKI" means the final collapse of society or "the end of the world as we know it", while "preps" means stuff that's bought or steps taken to be prep-ared  for TEOTWAWKI

So, what are your culture's Keywords ? Let's have a bunch, complete with the definitions.... I think 23 will do.  Why 23? Well, for those of us who see hidden significance in numbers, 23 is the first prime past the number of fingers and toes on the human body.

Just sayin'.

In any event, send these 23 to me by email...remember to put your name(s) and the words "speaking the lingo" in the subject line

Mr. L

PS Any remaining assignments which you still owe... well, what on earth are you waiting for? Get 'em to me, tutto pronto!

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