Tuesday, February 12, 2013

February 12: something new part one


Today in our class, we will be starting a new topic:
Industrialization & Economic Development

As part of this, I would like to begin by having each of you look at the first set of notes for this topic (found HERE), and then help develop some higher order questions to go with what you have read. (This means each of you develops your OWN questions.. you can bounce ideas off of each other, but you need to hand in your own work.)
 Below is a table with the types of questions I am in search of, and the keywords associated with them.

Additionally, I have created some sample questions here:

1)     demonstrate the main difference between communism and capitalism by comparing the products successfully created by an ethnically homogenous group of people – the Koreans – who have been split into two groups along the capitalist/communist divide
2)      Imagine that you are part of an American company that has closed down all of its production facilities in the United States and now does all of its manufacturing exclusively overseas. Defend your company’s outsourcing policy
3)     Outside of the cheerleading you see on TV, it is a fairly well established fact that the current state of the American economy is not good. Develop a plan to revitalize the American economy

I wish for each of you to develop at least five of these higher order type questions, and either send them to me by email with your name and “five advanced questions” in the subject line, or save what you have done as a text file named after yourself plus the phrase  “five advanced questions”
Cheers –
 Mr. L

Types of Questions I am looking for
Keywords that would go with each set of questions
Applying: can you use the information in a new way?
choose, demonstrate, dramatize, employ, illustrate, interpret, operate, schedule, sketch, solve, use, write.
Analyzing: can you distinguish between the different parts?
appraise, compare, contrast, criticize, differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, examine, experiment, question, test.
Evaluating: can you justify a stand or decision?
appraise, argue, defend, judge, select, support, value, evaluate
Creating: can you create a new product or point of view?
assemble, construct, create, design, develop, formulate, write.

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