Monday, February 4, 2013

Monday February 4: Making your case

Note: before we begin, I will need to address you about the proper role of technology -- and learning-- in my classroom, as well as the consequences for stepping outside that proper role. -- Mr. L 

OK, if you are reading this, then it means that you are at the point where you have

A) picked out two players from the Monsanto documentary

B) Set up 11 different "interview" style questions for each of them

C) Finagled your way into getting some answers to those questions

Today, your task is simple: begin to make a "brief" which allows you to be either one of the players you have selected. What this means is that if someone else asks you the questions which you have created, you'll have the answers down cold. No note needed, no hesitations: you ARE that person

So here are some preliminary steps which you will need to take:

A) You will need to email your interview questions and answers, for EACH player, to everyone else in this class

"A)" Is due not later than the end of class today, Monday February 4

B) Likewise, you will need to make sure that you receive all such interview "Q and A" material from everyone else.

C) You (and your partners, if any) will need to practice your responses to your own interview questions. As the Oracle said in the first Matrix movie, "Temei Nostrae".... know thyself!

D) You will also need to familiarize yourself with the other "players" in the room, so that when the time comes, you can ask them the proper questions

E) On Monday next, we will have a practice run, where I will use a computer program to randomly pick out both a player and a questioner. The questioner will ask a question of that player. Everyone else will rate both the question and the response

Be ready

Mr. L

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