Thursday, April 11, 2013

Thursday April 11: if you don't hold it, you don't own it! part four

OK, so now here is where it gets creative: how do you get these other nations to trade with you so that you can obtain the resources which your country needs to have? There are many different options; here are some general possibilities:

A) trade agreement --  the simplest way is to just ask. Offer something in return for what you seek. Just a simple trade of resources.

B) An alliance -- either political or military or both. Offer to help them out with them there pesky neighbors or fiendish archrivals

C) cash -- if your nation has enough of it that is

D) bribery/corruption -- perhaps your money doesn't go so far. Well who needs to buy a whole country when you can just bribe some officials in its government? Or perhaps you can funnel some money into "buying" an election.... who knows? The possibilities here are endless

E) threats -- if they won't see the light, maybe you can turn up the heat. Make trouble for them somehow. 

F) war -- when you get right down to it, there's nothing like a full on invasion to make a country change its mind -- and probably its government leaders as well

OK, that should be enough examples. I want you to pick out just four of the resources you're looking for. List three countries that each have this resource, and for each nation, at least three complete sentences explaining

1) What method you would use
2) what makes you think this will work -- use some historical precedent or examples
3) at least one known risk associated with that method, especially as applied to the particular nation in question

Send your results to me with your name, your nation's name and the phrase "gettin the goods" in the subject line

Mr. L

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