Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thursday April 25: your nation's best strategies CRITIQUED

OK, now for the next step: below I have posted at least one response from each of the teams. Each team will now review at least two of these plans -- plans that are NOT your own. The review is pretty simple:

A) List and explain not less than four points about their plan which you believe make sense, are workable, and WHY you see it this way. One complete sentence for each point

B) List and explain not less than four points about their plan which you believe do NOT make sense, are inherently unworkable, and WHY you see it this way. One complete sentence for each of these points

Please send your findings in the body of an email. The subject line should include your names, plus the phrase "best strategies CRITIQUED"

Mr. L

PS If none of your teams' strategies are listed here, it is because they never arrived. They are officially late at this point

 A) One of the strategies we examined last week about gaining access to another nation's -- resources "your" nation does not have is  by war. Describe a war strategy that can get you what you want, while lessening or eliminating the the risks to you of an armed conflict
 It all depends on how big the other country is, but this strategy will work with most countries south of Mexico. In order to get what they want they would need to build up their military strength near the borders of the opposing country in order to intimidate them. The example of this working at this moment in fact is North Korea. They intimidate people with their military power and we all give them stuff to stop but they never do.

we decided to go with terrorism. We went with that because its random attacks and random actions. we could blow something up at a  random time and leave the country speechless, shocked, scared, etc. the more times we "Terrorize", they will just have to make an alliance with us. 

  B) You have proposed a more than reasonable trade agreement with another nation, yet their government stubbornly refuses to even enter into negotiations -- they won't even sit down and talk. Outline a strategy that is NOT war to make the government of this other nation come to its senses
 If a nation is being stubborn the best way to get what you want is to offer something they can't resist. If the nation is at war you can offer support and help. You can offer war tactics, armies, or weaponry. If the nation is not in war, but needs supplies that they can not get from anyone else you can use that as leverage. Often times when someone is that stubborn they often want to feel in control. Make them feel like they have complete control of the trade and that they have all of the leverage. 


The first step would be to try and form an alliance by
explaining the benefits for both nations. The alliance would be
to support the ally. The alliance would be be equal.
The second step would be to show how we as a nation
can support ourselves. However, we prefer to have an alliance.
Also, to show how our nation can help the other nation.
The third step would be prove that we could provide
protection. We would prove that we are not a weak nation.
This would demonstrate that we could further help the other

C) You are a government leader in one country. You are in contact with business leaders in another country; 
corporate leaders who can provide your nation resources which it needs. You can make it legal for these 
foreign business leaders to sell their resources in your nation, but you don't want this to become public knowledge.
List and explain four different plans which would make this happen

Have restrictions on what can be said in newspapers
 This would prevent journalists from telling people about the private trade
 Have restrictions on what can be said on television
 Reporters will not be allowed to mention this to the public if they know about it
 Keep this as a government trade
 Not involving civilians
 Don’t tell the people of the country
 Same as keeping this as a government trade, not involving civilians

D) Your nation wants very badly to sell its resources to "country X" However, country X allows a free press-- newspapers, radio stations and TV can all say whatever they want, whenever they like. One of the things they like talking about is the truly horrible working conditions in the places in your country where these important resources are found. Please list and explain at least four different steps you can take to make these media outlets see the "better side" of your nation

RESPONSE 1D There are several different things that we can do so that people don't know about the horrible working conditions.  We can bribe the press to lying for us so people don't know about the horrible working conditions. This might work because they could take the money and no one would know about the horrible conditions. We improve working conditions.  We could be kind and fix up the conditions so people and other countries won't think badly of us.  We kick them out of our country.  We can simply kick these reporters and press out of the country so that they can't say anything.  We can also have more positive events happen in the country to distract them from the poor working conditions.  The press would go away and people wouldn't see the poor working conditions.

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