Monday, October 15, 2012

Mon 10-15: the students choice

Greetings and welcome back from your weekend!

Today, you will be undertaking two different but related tasks:

A) You will be finishing up the "definitions scavenger hunt" which we began at the end of last week. Make sure that you have carefully defined all terms, then sent this information on to me, either through email or by uploading it to

B)  From there, you will be fanning out to explore different aspects of how these terms apply to the worldwide growth and movement of human populations. You must apply at least four definitions you found to one topic of discovery that you have chosen or created.

C) Here are some possible choices that you could pursue; please understand that if you don't like what I'm offering, come up with something of your own:

  • The role of disease in human history. Pick any time period up to and including the present. For example, the definitions list included HIV/AIDS as the great epidemic of modern times.... what other epidemic diseases have had a big impact on human history? How were those diseases affected by the movements of people from one place to the next
  • Do civilizations have "life cycles" that have a direct impact on human population movement and growth? In other words, are civilizations born, grow up, mature, then eventually die? If so, where is the United States in this cycle? Where is Europe? Where is the rest of the world?
  • Does new technology cause population growth, or is it a response to it?
  • Are people more likely to move towards a place that has already grown in population, or one that is continuing to grow?
Whether you create a path of discovery of your own, or decide to follow one of my suggested courses of action, please send me an email detailing who you are and what you are pursuing. Then, spend the remainder of this class gathering any resources you may need to look at what you wish to study in more depth cheers, Mr. L

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