Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tues 10-2 : making use of your web searches


Yesterday, you were tasked with the assignment of creating not less than five different possible web searches. Each of these web searches was designed to help provide answers to some ideas you have formulated as to why population has moved about the various regions that comprise America

Today, you will actually initiate these searches to see what you can find. Here is what you need to do:

A) Conduct your first search

B) From this search, gather at least six possible websites that you might be able to use to answer any of your possible theories.

C) These websites must have something to do with the theories you have put forward

D) They must be able to provide useful information that you can understand and make use of

E) Repeat A through D for each of your four remaining web searches

F) All information gathered in this fashion must be emailed to me. You will need to put your first and last name and the phrase "population websites" in the subject line

That will be all

Mr. L

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