Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thursday 10-18: making use of your online resources

When last we met, you had already (theoretically at least) done the following:

A) chosen a theory about a population to explore further, either one of mine which I offered, or something which you created on your own

B) chosen at least four terms from the "definition scavenger hunt" of last week to apply to that theory of yours

C) located not less than twelve good online sources of information to help support your theory, basing the web searches for those websites on the terms from part "B" above

D) began reading those 12 sources of information

Today, you start putting those sources to good use. Here is what you need to do:l

1) put your name and the phrase "3 facts per source" in the subject line

2) in the main body of the email please at least three facts that will work to support your theory PER WEBSITE

3) You must put the EXACT WEBPAGE ADDRESS of where you got each set of three facts.

4) This does not mean that you list as the "exact website address". Do this, and I will send it sailing back to you to fix it up.

5) along with those three facts and the accompanying exact website address, you must include at least one complete sentence demonstrating how these facts support your theory

6) you cannot use the same complete sentence over and over again 

7) yes, its a lot of reading. Quit whining, its unattractive

Send this email my way

Mr. L

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