Monday, September 24, 2012

Monday 9-24 : give the people what they want!

In cities that is.... our last look at American population today will involve looking at the top cities in the USA. Specifically, I want you to look at the top 20 cities by population from the years 1900 to 2000.

Impossible you say? In the hands of a lesser mortal, that'd be a yes....but I am, after all, ME.

Just go here

This page contains a great deal more information than you need, but you're looking for begins underneath where it says:


Each decade from 1790 on lists the top 100 cities. If you're feeling motivated, you can map out all 100, but I'm only looking for the top 20 beginning at year 1900, which can located from link "13"

For each year, list the top 20 cities, together with their population, as well as which region they are a part of, using this regional map found here:

When you are done, try to draw some conclusions about the movement of population in America based on what you have learned.

Be sure to upload these findings to your folder at

Mr. L

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