Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tuesday 9- 25: why are they moving there

Hello there, wonderful humyns!

Yesterday, you began looking at the top 20 cities in America throughout the 20th century. I had you compile a list of each decade's top 20, with each city listed by its rank, plus how many people lived there, plus the region of the country where his city exists.

Today, I want you to do the following:

A) Many if not most of the cities listed don't stay on that list the whole 100 years. So for each city on the list, I want you to find the highest population count they had while still on the list, and the year that they hit this "high count"

B) Make each city's "high count" RED and BOLD text

C) For each year, count up the number of top 20 cities for each region

D) Make a list of how many cities are in each region for each year  For example,
in 1900, there were
4 cities in the "Northeast" region

6 in the "Great Lakes"
6 in the "Mid Atlantic"
1 in the "Southeast"
1 in the "Southwest"
1  in the "Pacific"
1 in the "Central Plains"

E) Once you have done this, we will start to analyze

Mr. L

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