Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thursday September 6: Making your restaurants worldwide

OK, so if you're reading this, you've finished the first part of today's class, where you built yourself an edible aspect to your "perfect city"

Now for the hard part: pitching it to the rest of the class, all those other cities.

You've put some time and effort into figuring out just exactly what the inhabitants of YOUR city like to eat. You've customized a menu tailored to what your people want.

But now you want to wanna go worldwide!

So how will you convince people in other cities to "LIKE" (yeah its an FB with it) your eating establishment?

Good question. I give you the remainder of the class to figure out how to do that. Write up your solution in the same document where you described your restaurant in the first place. Be specific as o how you achieved your goal of "universal appeal". Tell me how you won 'em over.

Make me believe you :-)

Mr. L

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