Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tuesday September 4: Applying those useful terms and definitions

OK chilluns, now that you know some useful new terms, its time to apply them. Here is what you need to do:
A) Create a new text file of some sort, and name it "Perfect City: showing what I know"

B) For each item which you wrote up about your city, tell me which term from today's notes that it is matched to....for example, which item has to do with "site"? Which has to do with "place name"?

Here is the complete list of terms to match up with each of you "perfect city's" characteristics

Place name
Mathematical location
Absolute measurements

Please note, you must match up every item from your city's description; do not forget any of them

C) Which terms which we have written up in the notes did you NOT include in your city's description?

D) Speaking of which, your task at this point will be to include items in your city's description that DO match all the rest of the terms we have looked at

When you are done, make sure your work is saved..You must upload it to me to the blue folder you each share with me at Box.com

Mr. L

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