Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thursday September 6: You built your city, now its time to eat

Greetings, superior creatures!

In previous classes, you have discussed whether people are more alike or different; whether people becoming more alike ( aka "globalization")  leads to more peaceful times, or does it in fact provoke more conflicts; AND, you have teamed up to found your own cities (city states? guess I have ancient Greece on the brain....that's what happens when you watch "The 300" for the 80th time this year)

You defined your cities in a variety of ways: physically, artistically, politically, etc etc.

Your cities "interacted" to see what points you had in common.

We typed up some terms  that have a direct link to how you imagined your cities to be, words like "site" (to do with stuff like physical climate) and "situation" (to do with what your city is next to, or in proximity)

Additionally, we looked at "regions" -- points of contact between your cities, ways in which they lived in common.

Now it's time to step it up a notch, and see how your cities will interact economically.  More specifically, each of your cities will create something that will define your city to the outside world -- meaning, all those other cities. It will be something that YOUR city makes, something that YOUR city is famous for.

I could have had you do almost any number of things -- and knowing how diabolically my mind works, I probably will at some point-- but today, the thing you will be producing is FOOD.

Food is universal -- everyone needs to eat. is also individual. Different people, cities and cultures produce different types of food

Here is what you will have to do:

A)  Create a  basic menu -- probably between 8 to 11 items total

B)  Create a basic description for each item... one or two complete sentences. Make 'em sound yummy!

C) Create a name, logo and marketing slogan for this restaurant. Make them catchy, and eye catching!

D) Come up with some background story about the legendary founder of your restaurant. Its usually best to have no more than one or two people fill this role. Explain how they came up with your magically delicious culinary delights

OK, let's get going!

Mr. L

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